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How young people manage their own learning at SML College

Take yourself back to your schooldays. Did you learn everything that you were taught? Or did you sometimes daydream in class? Perhaps there were subjects that you didn’t like so you paid less attention to them - or you were even disruptive in such lessons. For whatever reason, it’s likely that the teacher ‘covering the syllabus’ did not always...

What is a 21st Century Education

Some people have suggested that the only change from Victorian schools to those of today is from black to white – blackboards have changed to whiteboards. We still have classrooms that are not much different from the 19th century with curricula that have progressed little since then and with lessons of standardised times delivered in (increasingly) large institutions. Indeed...

Student Voice

On Monday July 7 2014 past and present students and parents from the College attended a conference on student voice in London. They put on a workshop to show how the College works. A fascinating discussion occurred with school pupils attending making odd claims about what is possible. For instance some said that it would not be possible for...

Arts Award

We continue to use this excellent qualification that has been developed by the Arts Council. The advantage to us is that it allows students to create their own personalised portfolios of real learning and at the same time gain GCSE level qualifications. While older students generally do take their own selections of GCSEs such exams are often limited in...

Radio 5 Live

Ian Cunningham was asked to contribute to a phone-in programme on Radio 5 Live. As a result of his comments about education and about our College the radio station received many positive emails and phone calls. This resulted in them deciding to broadcast a proper slot on the College. A reporter came and interviewed students and tutors. The final version...

Local TV

Brighton’s own TV station is Latest TV. Their reporters came to the College in December and filmed students at work. Some of this involved David Allistone demonstrating the use of 3D printing by students and Megan Leckie and Joe Palmer showing students working on a project. Two programmes went out on their early evening show featuring this work.