SML College June Newsletter
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SML College June Newsletter

Summer Sale Fundraiser - Sunday, 7th July

Summer sale fundraiser

Mark your calendars for our upcoming Summer Sale Fundraiser on Sunday 7th July, from 12pm to 3pm at SML College. This family-friendly event will be a fun afternoon filled with:

đź‘š Clothes

🎨 Bric-a-brac

🍰 Tea and Cakes

We need your help to make this event a success! Starting Monday 1st July, we’ll be collecting donations. If you have items that would typically go to a charity shop, we’d love for you to bring them to the college. Here’s how you can contribute:

  • Donate Items: Drop off clothes, bric-a-brac, or any other items you can spare.
  • Run a Stall: Have a unique idea or want to manage a stall? Let us know!
  • Volunteer: We need hands-on help for setup on Saturday and during the sale on Sunday. Parents and students are welcome!
  • Spread the Word: Kids can create A4 or A5 posters to help advertise the event. We’ll laminate them and display them around the area.
  • Bake for Us: Love baking? We’d love homemade cakes, biscuits, or any other treats to sell on the day.

Please reach out to Kaye or Wendy if you’re interested in helping or need more information (Kaye - / Wendy -

Even if you can't donate or bake, we hope you'll join us on the day to enjoy the festivities and fun!

Highlights from around SML College

We’ve had a busy and vibrant month at SML College. Here’s a peek into what’s been happening and what’s coming up:

  • Interactive Workshop: On 4th July, Julia Harris, an expert in neurodiversity, will be leading a fun and interactive workshop exploring how our brains work.
  • Creative Projects: Our students, including those on trial weeks, are contributing to a fantastic mural on Moss Wall featuring a map of local attractions, led by Liz and Jason.
  • Adventurous Rides and Walks: We recently enjoyed bike rides to Bramber Castle and Truleigh Hills. We’re also looking forward to a walk and overnight camp at Truleigh Hill Youth Hostel.
  • Cultural Trip: A day trip to the Natural History Museum in London is planned, with a possible visit to the Royal Academy if time allows.
  • College Improvements: Thanks to our students’ efforts, we’ve seen lots of painting and decorating, including a map of our area and general redecoration.
  • Research Collaboration: John Carden, a researcher from Sussex University, is at our college studying 'Young Peoples’ Agency in Education'.
  • Academic Milestones: Many students have completed their GCSEs and are preparing to move on to their next adventures.

Updates from the college

Farewell and Best Wishes to Tom

A special mention goes to Tom, our wonderful volunteer and ex-student, who will be leaving at the end of this term to pursue a degree in Game Design at university. Tom’s contributions have been invaluable, and we wish him all the best in the future!

End of Term BBQ - Friday, 12th July

We are excited to announce our annual End of Term Summer BBQ for students, parents/guardians/carers and staff. It’s a fantastic way to celebrate the end of the year and get together.

Date: Friday 12th July

Time: 18:00 to 22:00

Location: SML College

More details will follow soon, but please save the date. We look forward to seeing you there!

Support Us through Easy Fundraising & Hardship Fund

Don’t forget, you can help SML College through Easy Fundraising, a simple way to raise money for our college while shopping online. Additionally, our Hardship Fund is always open for one-off contributions to assist families in need within our community.

Join Easy Fundraising

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with SML College. Your contributions and involvement make a significant difference to our community.

Warm regards,

The SML College Team