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In the news: Homeschooling at Risk - The Telegraph - 7th Sept 2022

The future of homeschooling and of SML College in its current format is at risk due to the potential roll out of the new Schools Bill. While we await further guidance from the new government, we are preparing documentation to support our case and the highlight many issues with the Schools Bill. See below our feature in The...

Reviews & Endorsements: Self Managed Learning and the New Educational Paradigm by Ian Cunningham

This is a book everyone involved in education should read whether they be in early years,  secondary schooling or post-school education and particularly these days in university education. Too often education is not about learning but about instruction or even propaganda and not about empowering individuals to make their whole life a learning experience rich in its variety and usefulness. Too often learning is impeded...

Dr Ian Cunningham's new book 'Self Managed Learning and the New Educational Paradigm' out now

Dr Ian Cunningham, founder of SML college has just released his new book 'Self Managed Learning and the New Educational Paradigm'. Self Managed Learning and the New Educational Paradigm proposes revolutionary change to the educational system. The overwhelming research evidence is that the sum total of educational and training input accounts typically for only 10–20% of what makes a person...

Adele Jarrett-Kerr Podcast with Dr Ian Cunningham ' "Feel Together, Think Separately".

The impact of COVID-19 on SML College

The following is an extract from the last chapter of ‘Self Managed Learning and the New Educational Paradigm’ by Dr Ian Cunningham. It is 29 March 2020 and we were in the early stages in England of the coronavirus or Covid-19 crisis. Schools have been closed and many problems are occurring from this. One example is around the well-being of children....

President’s Lecture

Last year saw the first President’s lecture given by Professor Rose Luckin of UCL Institute of Education. As a world-renowned expert on AI in education her lecture was a great success with many complimentary remarks about its value. We had hope to have a lecture again this year, but the virus pandemic beat us. We do, though, plan for...

University of Brighton Collaboration

We have had a longstanding relationship with the University of Brighton. As well as eight evaluation research studies that their students have carried out with us we have recently commissioned research from a Master’s student in Community Psychology. Her research was on the local problem of NEETs (young people not in education employment or training). Her findings support the...