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Work experience

Onca Gallery In February , one of our students went on a work experience day to ONCA Gallery in Brighton. Rosy is interested in art history and philosophy and wanted to explore the possibility of managing a gallery in the future and find out what sort of work this kind of career would entail.  ONCA were very impressed with Rosy...

The Brighton and Shanghai Educational Partnership

Helping Chinese young people to get a real education The following is a press release that the College issued earlier this year. “Dr Ian Cunningham of Brighton’s Self Managed Learning College argues that: “It’s madness that the UK Government wants to copy the Shanghai schooling model – an approach that fails its young people and its society. We have entered into a...

International links

As well as our link to China we continue to maintain a range of international contacts. Ian Cunningham met with Australian colleagues in Sydney in February and they reported on the enthusiasm for SML in their primary school. We continue to support the International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC) as well as the Alternative Education Resource Organisation (AERO) in New York.

Visitors to the College

We continue to welcome visitors who are interested in our work. We take seriously our charitable status to develop educational practice and to support parents and others. We have visits from other community organisations as well as schools (where they are looking for alternatives to use with students who do not respond to classroom-based learning). We have particularly enjoyed visits...

Work experience

We are indebted to organisations in the city and to parents for arranging week-long work experience in areas such as construction, broadcasting and events organising. We believe that gaining work experience as part of their learning is invaluable for our students.

University of Sussex collaboration

As part of our collaboration with the Informatics Department at the University of Sussex we have had groups of students from their Masters degree working with our students. They have entered into the spirit of SML by identifying what our students are interested in and then helping them with material on programming that fits with these interests.